Me, my dad, and mike(my dads best friend) Went to Vegas. They actually weren't planning on bringing me, but hey decided to bring me. On one condition: if I stayed in a hotel for three ours while they were at the blue man concert. I thought about it for about 5 minutes. Then I said ya I'll go. Then after they came back from there concert we went to bed. Woke up we were thinking about going to the pool. I went, but they didn't. Then we saw a place were they only sold m and m's. That was awesome. Then we went on a star treck adventure. That's were they simulated star trek. I think that was the best part of going to Vegas. I went on it like 6 times.
Vegas was sweet. I'm glad you went with us. You made it sound like we abandoned you though. I suppose that's partially true. But I had a blast when we were together. Like when that lady at the ice cream place hooked me on a brownie sundae, even though it wasn't on the menu. I guess it's true: you can get whatever you want in Vegas.
Had a great time in Vegas. It's good to see that you're growing up and turning into such a good kid. Highlights of the trip for me include 1) The Star Trek Experience. The shuttle ride was one of the coolest rides I've ever been on. The steaming drink was pretty cool, too. 2) The Blue Man Group was sensational and I hope you get a chance to see them in the future. 3) An Inconvenient Truth, the movie we saw together. You probably thought it was a bit boring, but it was a very powerful and important film, maybe just not one for kids 4) Playing Atari Games on your TV. Those games make me remember when I was your age, riding my bike, and listening to Ozzy Osbourne. 5) Hanging out with your dad, obviously. Otherwise it would be a bit silly for me to fly all the way across the country. 6) Napoleon Dynamite. Flippin' good movie.
Vegas is one of my favorite stops. The M&M place is very cool, especially being able to pick what colors you want. That rock wall they have right beside of that is cool too. I never got up the nerve to do it. I think you'd enjoy Blue Man Group. It's an experience like no other I've ever been to. Glad you had fun at Star Trek.
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