Saturday, May 26, 2007

3rd day

The 3rd day at outdoor school I was probably into outdoor school and I knew how everything worked. Of course we did do our curriculum hike which was the animal hike. We went to a lab kinda thing were the naturalist (the people who lead the hikes and who are in charge are the naturalists) brought out a snake and 3 girls were so scared that they scooted back like 3 feet from the table even when the snake was across the table. They didn't even touch it. But after that we went to the another lab were they put the snake down and the had all different kinds of hides from animals on the wall and the had different animals in cages. And then we took a real hike down to a place were we played a game and learned about animal scat. You probably know what that is its poop. So we played a small game were there were rabbits and a wolf. The rabbits were supposed to get to the other side of the field and back 3 times and the field wasn't that big. And if the wolf which I did tagged one of the rabbits they had to go the pit or something and they lost. It was an alright game bur I had fun. Then we just hiked back down and we ate and went to bed.

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