Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Funny bone

So your funny isn't really that funny. Especially when you hit it. Its sends like a tingle up your whole arm and maybe up to your hand. I've hit It so many times. And It wasn't so funny. And there's a different name for it but I forgot. Why do they even call it your funny bone. Did they have nothing else to call it? Or maybe the people who invented the name for it thought it was funny which is probably not right because I don't think anybody thinks its funny. Well I don't. So there you have it. Your funny bone which is right under your elbow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wikipedia says:

In human anatomy, the ulnar nerve is a nerve which runs from the shoulder to the hand, at one part running near the ulna bone. It is the only exposed nerve in the human body (it is unprotected for a few centimeters at the elbow).

Nothing too funny about that. Althought it is located near the "humerus" bone.