Friday, September 04, 2009


Ok so you know how some classes you just kind of don't like that much or they are boring, well we have this thing at my my school called block day and you go to half of your classes that one day and spend 2 hours in each class and that just kind of sucks because spending 2 hours in a class that's boring and just not any fun at all really sucks but the good thing is you don't get so much homework and you get of school a little bit earlier than regular days so that's really cool. So new topic homework. In almost every one of my classes before i went to high school i would never get any homework on a Friday to work on over the weekend but in high school i do but i guess that's not so bad. I thought high school was going to be pretty bad but its not so bad in fact its a little bit fun because i have a lot of friends there so that's really cool. So that's good. So yeah there you go.

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