Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ripping CDs

I finally got to ripping all the CDs my uncle gave me over the week that I was spending in San Luis Obispo. There are over 300 hundred CDs I think. I learned how to rip CDs yesterday I think and its actually too easy! I use the free software Audiograbber. It works great! I have so much music already on my computer and I haven't even ripped half yet. There is about 3-4 gigabytes of music that is on my computer so far. I don't even think I'm 1/4th of the way to finishing! I rip a lot everyday too. I filled about 2 spindles so far. There are so many more spindles though. Its interesting to see what kind of music my uncle used to listen to. Its mostly punk rock. My dad dislikes most of whats on there though. I think a lot of it is great. I'm think I'm going to listen to it all sometime over a long period of time because I kind of have to because I am going to put it on my mp3 when I get a new one because the screen of my current one is cracked but just the screen, you can see everything that's supposed to be there perfectly. The Sansa mp3 players are very fragile! I want a Zune so I can watch movies on it. Plus, I bet they are good quality. Maybe an I-Pod, but that would be going against my dad's advice. He doesn't like Apple because they are very copy write protective if I'm saying that right. They aren't very compatible with anything else besides they're own company and I think other than that, even though that is a very big problem, they are a great company. Anyway, I will hopefully get all the CDs done this year!

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