Tuesday, August 24, 2010


School is finally starting up again! Tomorrow! Usually it feels like the summer went by fast but it didn't so much. Now it is like, wow, finally. Its actually a mixed feeling between already?!, and about time! An extremely mixed feeling. I don't really know what to think except that I need to get my head straight for school. i need to get focused instead of the lazy/loose feeling of summer. Actually I had a lot of summer work so it wasn't too relaxed for me. I wish I could have hung out more and maybe had a little more fun, but I think I might actually be content with this summer. I did get to hang out with friends and go to Hurricane Harbor and do plenty of stuff. I mostly texted, chatted online, and called friends. A lot of Facebook and a game my friend showed me online. My brother got into it and apparently its very popular, but I doubt with my school friends. I don't know if I really want to back to school though. There will be so much work this year. I glad about seeing friends though because that's always fun. I'm glad to see my girlfriend, even though I'm sort of iffy about that because we haven't seen each other in a really long time and I feel like we are splitting apart but I told my friends I'd see what happened at school to see if we still like each other. I hope it still works out because it was nice to be with her during the school period, but unfortunately, we came together nearing the end of the last school year so we haven't seen much of each other. I don't think school is going to be awkward at all though because its just going to feel like last year and its going to feel like I never left but we will have to see what happens tomorrow.

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