Thursday, January 22, 2009

World of goo

I got to play world of goo yesterday. It is so fun. I started out with the same levels as my dad then I got further and the further you get in that game the funner it is. The levels though get harder of course. Well one is actually kinda easy even though past a lot of levels. It was just introducing the balloon ones to get up to suck your gooballs into the pipe. All the extra gooballs you get are sent to the world of goo corporation. In there you can build and build as high as you want. It goes on for infinite any way you go. Its pretty cool and it shows you how high other people got with the amount of gooballs they used. So there are 3 types of gooballs that I know of. There are the regular black ones, the red balloon gooballs, and the green gooballs that you can detach from one another. Its pretty cool.

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