Tuesday, December 09, 2008


the big mistake i mistake was missing a band performance at a Mormon church for band. I just totally forgot about until the next day! And after school i was helping pack up for the performance and i went to extra band practices!!! I just cant believe missed it. I was thinking about it the whole way home but forgot when i got home!!! Well my punishment in band class for missing the performance was extremely exaggerated and sever. A big fat  F  for the rest of the quarter. Which means there is gonna be an F on the report card! I had to tell my dad about it. No sense in waiting. WE had a long talk about it and i knew we would. And since i had an A for the last quarter, its going to be a C for the semester grade. It really sucks. I think he went WAY over the top with this punishment. There is nothing i can do now and except ask for anything to do to make up for the F or at least help it. Well ill try.

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