Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The next part of the day in school

Well we were on P.E.. One student was playing around and if anybody got last place they had to run around our school softball field. Twice!!! So the student was messing around by putting the baton in his private. He also kept on dropping it. He didn't even get in trouble.
Well I'm going to talk about music now. In music our music teacher brought a keyboard. I asked her if I could play it. She said I could if we had enough time at the end of the class. After thinking about it I got kind of shy. At the end of class she just left. She could have just forgot. I don't know. Maybe there wasn't enough time. I don't know. What our class did during music class was listen to our music teacher sing songs. She's a composer. Then after she would sing a part we would repeat after her. We even clapped I liked her songs. She's very creative. I gues you have to be creative to write songs. I think I might like music the best.

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