Wednesday, May 09, 2007

My water fight

Today I had a water fight with my friends on my team and my brothers friends on the other. Plus 2 of my friends. First it was just me and a friend and then he had to do chores so it was just me. For some time and they didn't hit me once. And 2 other friends that I asked to play and they had homework came for reinforcements after their homework. And then my other friend got done doing chores so it was 4 of us. And then another friend came and said he would just watch after he got a water balloon. And once he threw it he got so into it. And then like a minute after him another friend of mine came and we were dominating. Because it was 6 of us and the had water guns and a hose. And I was filling up water balloons really fast while they were shooting the water guns I had. And they would come and get some. And then we told them that they could come on my side of the yard if we didn't go over there. And a girl from the other side come and we drove her into a corner and caught her hostage. I had people guard. There was no trouble of her trying to get out with all the people I had. And so she had to miss out by coming over to our side and breaking the rules. And she wasn't crying or anything. She was just fine. And at the end we let her out. Although she wasn't helping the other team anyways in the first place. She just had a bottle with water that she dropped and my team got. She got it back and tyred to come like before and she was hostage. Next time she'll definitely remember not to break the rules with all my peoples. Or she might not play next time. But oh well. That game was fun. And we all had a lot of fun. Even the hostage.

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