Monday, March 16, 2009

New room

Last night i was helping my dad move his stuff into his room from his office because he is going to make the office my brother's room. We were moving his desk and almost everything that was on it. The desk was a nightmare. When we were moving the desk it wouldn't fit through the doorway and the office and bedroom door are the same size. So he took the door off the hinges and we tried pulling the desk through again and it still didn't work. So then my dad cut about a half an inch off of his desk with a power saw. Then we tried again and it still didn't go through. So then he took off the bottom part where he puts his mouse and keyboard. Then it came through. Next was taking the bedroom door off the hinges. He only got one and he had to rip the bottom part off. It came with some wood and now there's a chunk of wood taken from where the door goes. But we cleared a path for the desk to go in the bedroom and when we were pulling it through, it started o rip the carpet. So we had to lift it which was hard. But we finally did get it through to the place he want it and we put all the parts where they went on his desk. Not all of it, just he important parts, like his computer, computer fan, mouse, keyboard, network adapter, and some there stuff and i guess we have to finish it today. Then my brother gets to have the office as his own room and i will have my own room. We aren't moving me into that room because i don't want to move my desk and computer and all the stuff from my room because that would take so long to do. Well we could leave the desk in the room because there is another one in office. But I'm not moving all that stuff ad i pretty sure my dad doesn't want to go through that again either.

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