Monday, October 26, 2009

My horror story

So i had to write a horror story for my English class which is due Thursday but i already finished it today because i like to write. When i start to write something i get pretty hooked on it. So i actually had to ideas. My first one was titled The Disappearing People and the second one was titled The Falling Death. When i was writing the first one i got only to maybe the second or third paragraph but i #1 couldn't really think of anything else to say and #2 didn't really like the story that much. But the second one was scary. Whenever i tried to write more on it i got scared and stopped because of all the freaky things running through my mind and then paranoia came and then i started to hear noises and my door was closed and i just got really freaked out probably because i had watched like 3 different previews for the fourth kind right before i started to write. My story doesn't have anything to do with the fourth kind though. I started the story out by telling how i used to have nightmarish dreams about how i would fall off of something high and then just before hitting the ground wake up. In my story you both hit the ground and don't wake. So i think it is an awesome story. I will post it when its all edited and completed because right now its 31/2 pages long and the limit is 3 pages so i think i will just change the font size to 10pt and then i should be fine. So there you go.

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