Sunday, October 04, 2009

Pearl Jam conert

I went to a Pearl Jam concert Wednesday with my mom and it was down at Universal Studios at the Gibson Amphitheater. It was so awesome even though we had to sit in the second to last seat on the top. I wore my glasses though so i could see the people. A different band played in the beginning though but i didn't know who it was. I was wondering why it didn't sound like Pearl Jam. So then there was the intermission and i got popcorn and coke and then Pearl Jam played. They were really good and Eddie Vedder is funny. I don't know if that's how you spell his name though. People got drunk there and the people sitting in front of me were smoking i think weed. When it was over my mom bought me a shirt and a poster but while we were waiting these three people were singing and this other guy was yelling at them and it was funny. They were obviously drunk but it was funny. So that's pretty much it.

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