Tuesday, May 04, 2010

White hat hackers

In English class, we started on our persuasive essays. I didn't know what to pick as a topic and i wanted to pick something interesting, but none of the suggestions that were on the paper our teacher gave us appealed to me. So i went home and asked my dad to give me suggestions. He said a lot and then he came across white hats. I didn't know what they were so i asked. A white hat hacker is a person who hacks a system and then tells the owner of the system what their security flaws are. I thought that was pretty interesting. He told me that people were debating whether they would be prosecuted or not. I totally thought no! Why should they be prosecuted. They are helping. Some people even hire them to do what they do. I already have some information on them, but i probably shouldn't put it down here because its probably boring and i would have a lot. I would probably type up my whole paper because i am an extremest. Which means i do everything to the extreme. So its either the most, or the least for me. Except Sunday, i overcame that during my haircut. I had to close my eyes though to keep myself from telling the woman to cut more off. I only wanted a trim. I got a trim, but times before, i would keep asking for more to be cut off. I closed my eyes during the whole thing. People like my trim too. So i had to explain what white hat hackers were to everyone that asked me what i was doing my paper on. Which was a lot of people. I even had to explain what it was to my teacher. But i like that because i like to be unique sort of. I bet that no one has ever done a paper in that class on white hat hackers before. So i am glad that i get to explain new things to people. That might have been an interesting topic for you too.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

yeah, it was an interesting new topic.