Thursday, June 17, 2010

Spanish course

My dad finally signed me up for the Spanish course! I thought it was going to be easy and just pass by like nothing. But it was much much much easier than I thought! So easy. Most of it was stuff I had already learned. It was way too easy of course I only did the first chapter in the course. In the speed back assignment, which is worth 10% of the final grade for the course, I got 100%! Nothing wrong and everything right. It was so awesome and I'm glad because that's definitely an easy way to lighten my load for sophomore year and if it is this easy continuously, then it shouldn't make much of a dent in my workload for the summer. The history work is the one making a major dent. But the Spanish course should just whoosh by. I thinking about finishing it all next week. In the speed back assignments, they even let you refer back to the course to look for answers. I only did that to check a couple of my answers though. I can't wait to not have to worry about the course when its all done!

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