Thursday, April 08, 2010

Mammoth Trip - Everything

In the last post, i didn't go further into the family that invited us which was the same as last time. This time the family brought everyone except the bigger brother, who didn't come last time, because of work. But the husband, wife, little brother, sister, other sister, wife's sister, and a bunch of other people came. The condo was pretty much full. The little brother's sister left before we came though. The little brother's friend's or cousins, i never knew, also came. So there were too many for me too count. I had to sleep on the couch. My brother slept on the pull out bed upstairs. The little brother slept upstairs on the bed. My dad, mom, and sister slept in the room downstairs. Actually my sister had to sleep on the floor and my mom and dad slept on the bed. The cousins slept in there own room. They had a baby, 2 little girls, a husband, and wife, and a big girl. So that room was full. Then the main family slept in their own room downstairs which consisted of the husband and wife. The main family's son's cousins and everything had their own condo. The next day, they came over and ate with us. The bigger cousin snowboarded with me even though he could have done pretty much everything on the mountain while i only could go on the smaller easiest slopes. He was giving me pointers and all that. We found his brother and went to take a little break in the lodge. Then after that me and the bigger brother went to visit my sister and brother while they were eating in the ski school. After that, we went to the ski lift and went down a couple of times. This is the point in the middle of the slope when i got the call to come eat lunch. So on my way down, i saw my brother, who i wanted to snowboard with, but i had to go eat, so we ate and met up at the lodge. After lunch, my dad went with the main family's husband and wife. The little cousin went with the main family's son. My mom and the cousin's mom went home. The cousin's dad went with the two little girls to teach them a little. The two little girls are actually 3 and 4. I don't know where the bigger girl cousin went. The bigger cousin stayed with me again. So we went down a couple times again and i got better and then i had to go to the bathroom and i was thirsty so the bigger cousin went on his own on some of the bigger slopes. So i after the bathroom break for me, i went to look for my siblings but couldn't find them so i waited in he power in the middle of the slope away from the ski and snowboarding traffic. I waited for a long time too. I never found them so then i came down and saw the main family dad. He told me my dad was waiting for me. So i went over there and while we were waiting he got a call from mom saying that my siblings wanted to show him what they learned and this was my time to board with them and actually everyone. So i waited at the top of the lift with my brother and everyone came and i started to go down and stopped pretty soon. I waiting there with the little cousin while my dad was taking pictures and then they all finally came down and about halfway, my dad stopped my brother, sister, and myself so he could take a picture of us and we finally got together and he got the picture. So after that, we left the mountain. The cousins all went home. Then we went home, ate, spent the night, ate at the stove the next day and went home.

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