Sunday, March 28, 2010

Almost Famous

I saw this movie last night. So i saw two movies in one day. My dad was going to watch it a long time ago without me but it was about a writer and i am good at writing, so i have heard, and the writer is writing about a made up band called Still Water. He goes on a tour with them and there are band aids which are the girls that travel with them and the main one is a blond curly haired girl who is in love with the guitarist of the band and the writer is in love with the main band aid. The movie is hilarious too. But the writer's mom is way over protective of her son and when he goes away she tells him to call her twice a day everyday and she always tells him not to do drugs and she is just a lunatic. Whoever she talks too besides her son, when they get off the phone with her, they say that she scared them. The kid was writing for the band Creem, and then for The Rolling Stone. He acts like he is an adult and everything gets way out of proportion and its just a great movie. I really recommend it. I don't remember any nudity but I'm sure there was cursing.

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