Sunday, March 14, 2010

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)

I have a SNES and i just love it. My dad can download the games from for the SNES on his phone because he has a SNES app. Its kind of weird to play on his phone though because of the small screen and the buttons are flat and the controls are hard to press at once because your thumb will press a lot of controls while trying to just press two at the same time but i managed for awhile and then got tired of it because i kept dying. So i found ours because i new we had one and i couldn't figure out how to plug it into our component box and make it work but then i just decided to try to plug it into an empty slot in the TV (which i think is 42"). It worked then, sound and everything and it was on the input AV1. I have two controllers for it and i think the one with the dog bite in it works the best (surprisingly) so i just used that one. I didn't try the other one yet but i will today hopefully. So it was hard to get far on the phone but on the SNES, i got far so fast. I practically beat the levels i played without dying once. The games i could find though were, Super Mario Bros, Star Wars, and i think Killing Instinct which i haven't heard of and I'm not sure if that's what it says because the tag was over it and i think i saw I'm pretty sure it said killing instinct though. Maybe i will become the only person to own one of those and make a lot of money by selling it. That would be awesome.

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