Saturday, August 07, 2010

Hot Rod

I watched Hot Rod for the second time yesterday with my mom because I told her that it is hilarious because it is. I saw it a time before that a long time ago though with my best friend. It was probably a couple years back when I saw so I only remembered parts of the movie like the cool beans part and an angry dance part. When we were watching the dance part, I remember that my friend told me that was from a good movie called footloose which I saw. That's the movie that made me want to watch Footloose and I'm glad for it too because that was also a great movie. I wanted to show my dad the movie but he said he wasn't too interested and its goofy movie which I guess he isn't into too goofy comedy movies. That's the kind of movie this is. I think the main character is the guy who does some of the hilarious skits from Saturday Night Live like the Throw It On The Ground skit. I love that one. It also has Gob from Arrested Development in it. You will probably recognize other actors from the movie if you see it. I totally recommend it though.

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