Thursday, December 17, 2009

candy canes

Yes, of course you have to get candy candy canes for Christmas. I bought a 24 pack of them from the 99 cent store last year and i gave them to my friends of course there wasn't enough because i have a lot of friends but I'm sure it was fine. But the big box full of them was sticking out of my backpack. This time i had to buy from the dollar tree and i couldn't find the big box like before so i bought every different kind there and it was three different flavors from the same company who made them. Blueberry, peppermint, and cinnamon. When i was leaving i saw a rainbow one and i was sort of disappointed that i didn't buy it. I couldn't because my dad was waiting for me outside. But no biggy. Today when i gave them away, i would ask them, peppermint, cinnamon, or blueberry and almost everyone asked for blueberry and i only had 12 of those and i had 2 blueberry ones before school even started! But everyone definitely appreciated it. I thought the peppermint was pretty gross but some people asked for it. I didn't warn them. The blueberry was definitely the best and cinnamon was good too but peppermint was just ok. There was this one girl who had been mad at me for maybe about 2 weeks because of no valid reason. Her back was turned to me and i offered her one to be friend; because i as trying to get her to stop being mad. she shook her head no with her back still turned to me. I different the people around us one and they said yes. Then she faced forward and i offered her one again because she started too look at them. I knew she wanted one. She said yes and that was pretty much the end of her being mad at me. She laughed too. I also offered our Spanish substitute teacher one and he took it with a thanks. I gave away a lot of candy canes. So i am very generous and definitely feel good about myself.

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