Wednesday, December 09, 2009


I remember this really old game that i used to be almost obsessed with. Well now some people actually bring their gameboys and actually play them at school. Its crazy because who would first of all bring a gameboy to school, and second bring Pokemon, and third play it during class. You are supposed to be learning during class. Its just ridiculous. My friend plays it everyday during geometry class. His girlfriend got sort of embarrassed when i told her about it because she knew he does that but hates how hes obsessed with it. She told me that she always complains to him about spending time with her and not the game. She told me about one instance when they were at her house and he was playing on her bed and she was just sitting there watching TV. I thought how boring that would be and how messed up that is too. But oh well .Some people just get hooked on that game like its some sort of drug.

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