Saturday, December 19, 2009

Science Test

So i had a test on Wednesday and i knew i needed to get an A on it. I had a choice the day before the test to sleep over at my friends house since it is right next to the school so i can just walk there instead of taking the bus. So i chose to go there and i knew my friends dad would study with me and he did and he is very good to study with. He definitely takes care of business. So i studied with him but we didn't quite get through both of the chapters. I also studied with my friend. Then the next morning i had a paper sitting in front of my door and it was faxed science noted from home which i was sure i didn't need. My dad had faxed them to me and i told him i didn't need them and apparently that was the worst choice of words for that moment. My dad asked me stuff on it and i didn't know any of the stuff on there because i had different definitions. I guess both of the definitions were correct. My dad didn't like too much that i didn't know the terminology on the paper. So we argued a lot that day. I went to school and since it was a 2 hour period we did a bingo study thing before the test and then we did the test. I thought i knew the answers right when i read the questions and i was going to get an A for sure. So then 2 days later on Friday we get the test scored back. I got a 34 out of 50 which is a C. I thought it was a high B. So i get a text message from my dad saying you got a C no the test, we will talk. I was very disappointed because i had never gotten a C on a test in that class. So we talked this morning when we were working on a puzzle after all the kids went upstairs and he told me everything that happened and cam to the conclusion that i am going to take a study skills course online over the summer. The whole time i nodded and said mmhhmm because i didn't want to argue because i knew it wouldn't do any good in changing any body's mind. Plus i want to do anything to get all A's in that class. I will just have to do everything my dads plans out for me that is not too extreme and i guess taking a course online isn't very extreme.

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